Informujemy, że od roku akademickiego 2021/2022 podczas egzaminów dyplomowych studenci odpowiadają na pytania z zakresu całych studiów. Na egzaminie każdy student otrzymuje 3 pytania – jedno od promotora, jedno od recenzenta i jedno (losowane) z listy. Powstała osobna lista pytań z zakresu językoznawstwa oraz literaturo- i kulturoznawstwa (zestaw zależy od wybranej tematyki seminarium i pracy dyplomowej). Podczas egzaminu student losuje 2 pytania z listy i wybiera pytanie na które decyduje się odpowiadać (decyzji nie można zmienić, pytań nie można wymieniać). Pytania obejmują wiedzę z zakresu przedmiotów obowiązkowych. Odpowiedź na pytanie powinna zająć studentowi od 5 do 10 minut. Pytania są otwarte i mają na celu wykazanie ile student nauczył się w toku całych studiów, więc komisja ma prawo oczekiwać dużej swobody w omawianiu przedstawianych zagadnień, zwłaszcza podczas egzaminu magisterskiego. Listę pytań znaleźć można tutaj.


prace licencjackie

Aleksandra Gromadzik, Accent Accomodation as a Marker of Solidarity.

Dominika Walczak, Language and Politics: Voiceless Labiovelar Fricative in the Speeches of American Presidents.

Piotr Płomiński, More than meets the «I». Posthuman ideas about the future of consciousness presented in science-fiction literature.

Magdalena Bartoszek, Upon the Face of Planet Anareta. Gnostic Vision of the World in Cormac McCarthy’s Blood Meridian.

Jan Moryń, Against the Regime of Truth: Critical Perspectives on American History in Slaughterhouse V by Kurt Vonnegut and Blood Meridian by Cormac McCarthy.


prace magisterskie

Rafał Wojtkowiak, Speech Acts and Politeness Theory in Polish and English Magazine Advertising

Aneta Ostrowska, Phonetic Transcription as a Tool in Foreign Language Phonetic Instruction in Poland

Paweł Wodziński, Is Techno Bubble Redundant? Translating Specialised Language in Science-Fiction Movies and TV Series in the Light of Relevance Theory and Practical Constraints of Subtitling

Aleksandra Gajda, The Differences Between Males and Females in the Process of Polish Migrant to the United Kingdom Identity Construction and Demonstration

Adrianna Studzińska, Domestication and Foreignisation: Differences Between Professional and Amateur Translation in the form of Subtitles



prace licencjackie

Julia Fiszbak, Creating and Subverting Gender and Imperial Boundaries in Ursula K. LeGuin’s The Left Hand of Darkness.

Klaudia Glinkowska, The Life Force versus the Death Drive in Poetry of Dylan Thomas.

Amanda Lesiak, The Portrayal of Arthurian Women in Marion Zimmer Bradley’s The Mists of Avalon.

Anna Zawiasa, Women’s Fashion from the 1870s to the 1920s with Reference to Portraits of Women in Contemporary American Literature.

Olga Grabowicz, Employing argumentation schemes to analyse the arguments used in Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump’s debates during the 2016 presidential campaign.

Aleksandra Perek, The thin line between official and unofficial: a comparison of fansubbing and licensed translation based on the Thor, a movie trilogy.

Aleksandra Bądaruk, Translation procedures: subtitling idioms.

Alicji Kubiak, Translation of humour in the video game series The Sims.

Katarzyna Wolskiej, Naturalness in Subtitling: The Case of Polish Subtitlese.


prace magisterskie

Klaudia Glonek, The pop culture of the 1980s still alive and well – a curious case of Stranger Things.

Magdalena Grzelak, Collective and Individual Rebellion of Androids Against Humans in Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?, Westworld and Ex Machina.

David Lipiec, Mad Superman and Man of the Crowd: Philosophies and Identities in Alan Moore’s From Hell and V for Vendetta.

Artur Wagner, The Anatomy of Fear: Philosophy, Themes and Pseudomythology in the Works of H.P. Lovecraft.



prace licencjackie

Agnieszka Jagła, Zabawa w Boga inspirowana Szekspirem: teatralny wymiar intertekstualności w powieści Johna Fowlesa Mag.

Angelika Bączyk, Niesamowitość w wybranych utworach gotyckich epoki Wiktoriańskiej i XXI wieku.

Karolina Kordala, Gotycki terror w Koralinie Neila Gaimana.

Artur Zarzycki, The inter-relations of argumentation theory and artificial intelligence.

Patrycja Kupś, Knowledge Representation Systems and Natural Language Argumentation.

Małgorzata Maiorana, English for art purposes: discourse on fine art: a cognitive-linguistic study.

Mateusz Adamowicz, Ograniczenia w przekładzie treści humorystycznych na potrzeby lokalizacji gier komputerowych.

Konrad Miśkiewicz, Dubbing jako narzędzie strategii marketingowej.

Natalia Giersa, Problematyka przekładu utworów muzycznych w filmach animowanych.

Kacper Kupisz, Analiza porównawcza tendencji redukcjonistycznych w wersji lektorskiej i napisach do filmu 8 mila.


prace magisterskie

Jan Moryń, Literatura widmontologiczna: rozmowy z przeszłością w Beloved Toni Morrison i The Virgin Suicides Jeffreya Eugenidesa.

Aleksandra Tokarek, Wulgaryzmy w dyskursie filmowym: Studium nad postacią Adasia Miauczyńskiego.

Lian Pang, Humor jako nośnik znaczeń w recenzjach gier wideo online na platformie Steam.

Marii Szymańskiej, The performative discourse of drag queens: a sociolinguistic study.



prace licencjackie

Sylwia Karasińska, A corpus based comparative analysis of passive constructions and the impersonal pronoun ‘man’ in Old English.

Tomasz Kredowski, Nu’ – adverb of time or interjection? Characterising functions of Old English ‘nu’ on the basis of corpus data.

Julia Gawin, Fantastic Translations and How to Create Them – strategies for translating proper names in fantasy fiction based on the Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them series.

Krzystof Hejduk, Attention allocation: a case study on selected video game elements in the context of translational decision-making processes.

Monika Śliwecka, Psychological Puzzle Films: Distorted Realities of Memento and The Machinist.

Krzysztof Owczarek, Nature Imagery in the Poetry by Robert Frost as a Reflection of Various Aspects of Human Life.

Jakub Kuciel, John Donne’s Holy Sonnet II: Encyclopedic Entry with Commentary.

Zuzanna Księżycka, John Donne’s Holy Sonnet XIX: Encyclopedic Entry with Commentary.

Nikola Ryczkowska, John Donne’s Holy Sonnet XIV: Encyclopedic Entry with Commentary.


prace magisterskie

Małgorzata Maiorana, Language meets picture: a cognitive linguistic study.

Krystian Misiak, Techniki filmowe w God of War.

Kamila Jasiak, The Figure of the Witch in the 2oth Century Based on Selected Works of Arthur Miller and Erica Jong.

Zuzanna Goździk, The Female and Female Sexuality in the Poety of Edna St. Vincent Millay, Sylvia Plath and Patricia Lockwood.



prace licencjackie

Paulina Łucarz, Verbal humour in audiovisual translation: a case study of BoJack Horseman.

Piotr Jakóbik, The embodiment of fear in Chainsaw Man by Tatsuki Fujimoto reflected in the verbal and the visual.

Karolina Barańska, William Wordsworth's Anecdote for Fathers: Encyclopaedic Entry with Commentary.

Gabriela Widera, William Wordsworth's The Old Cumberland Beggar, a Description: Encyclopaedic Entry with Commentary.

Julia Skolimowska, Toward Nondualistic Subjectivity and Its Cyborg Future: Posthumanist Horizons in Octavia E. Butler’s Xenogenesis.

Michał Paradowski, Expanding the Field: The Kingfishers and the Poetics of Charles Olson.

Martyna Rzeźnik, Femininity in Fairy Tale Patterns in Angela Carter’s and A. S. Byatt’s Selected Stories.


prace magisterskie

Kacper Kupisz, Subtitling massive chats – a reception study of the movie Spree.

Gabriela Cąber, The influence of non-native billingualism on a child’s emotional, cognitive and social development.

Agnieszka Jagła, The role of trauma in posthumanist re-awakening in Waiting for the Barbarians and Disgrace by John Maxwell Coetzee.

Anna Zawiasa, Frivolous Accomplishments or Sound Understanding – Representation Women’s Education in Selected Works of 18th and 19th-century English Literature.

Jarosław Galasa, Carnivalization in Cormac McCarthy’s Blood Meridian and Child of God.



prace licencjackie

Julia Koszmider, Language and Power in the Justice System: an Analysis of Courtroom Discourse in an American Reality Court Show Judge Judy.

Maria Dutkiewicz, Accents and Linguistic Identity: an Analysis of Bernie Sander’s Speech.

Aleksandra Królikowska, Language, Music and Culture: an Analysis of Rap Music Lyrics.

Patryk Mielczarek, Students’ and Teachers’ Perceptions of the Motivational Power of Common EFL Classroom Task Types.

Julia Niedźwiedzkiej, Dubbing vs. Subtitling: Implications for Film Reception and Film Character Perception.

Nadia Aleseieva, Women’s Writing on Nature and Self: Interdependence in the Works of Nan Shepherd and Kathleen Jamie.

Natalia Królicka, Complementary Opposites in William Blake’s Poetry and Paintings.

Jakub Łukasiewicz, The Art of In-Between - Liminality in Kathleen Jamie’s Surfacing.

Julia Miciul, Heritage Cinema Throughout The Decade: A Comparison of A Room with a View and Four Weddings and a Funeral.

Jagoda Banasiak, Freedom and Authenticity: Jean-Paul Sartre's Existential Philosophy in John Fowles' The Magus.


prace magisterskie

Miriam Kobierski, An Analysis of the Linguistic Characteristics of Language Produced by Artificial Intelligence.

Krzysztof Hejduk, A Multimethod Approach to On-Screen Language Localisation Reception – the Case of a Logical Adventure Video Game.

Barbara Masłocha, The Influence of Localisation on the Players’ Perception of Video Game Characters in the Mass Effect Trilogy.

Aleksandra Perek, Extreme Foreignisation and Domestication: Translating the Movie Scoob!.

Bartosz Kondak, English in Its Variety Among Polish Secondary School Students.

Sara Ciesielska, The Crisis of Masculinity in Jack Kerouac's On the Road and in Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? by Edward Albee.

Karolina Kordala, Gothic Gaiman, or Rewriting the Genre.

Miłosza Kłosowskiego, When Gothic Meets Classics: Gothic Retellings and Interpretations of Classical History and Myth in Neil Gaiman’s August and Song of Orpheus Graphic Novel Stories.