Rejestracja na seminaria mgr oraz specjalności (I MA)

Online registration for specializations:

Registration (via USOS) will commence on December 1 at 7pm and will close on December 3 at 11.59 pm.

Students choose one of three courses:

  • For the teaching specialization: „Diagnostyka edukacyjna”
  • For the translation specialization: “Teoria przekładu 1”
  • For the Culture, Media and Communication specialization: “Współczesna kultura i sztuka”


Please note that both the teaching and the translation specializations require knowledge of Polish. If you do not know Polish, please register for the third option, as it is the only one available to you.

Please note also that is it possible to choose two specializations (provided you know Polish) and complete both in the course of your studies. Because this requires the student to earn extra ECTS points, the University of Lodz requires that the student pay 400 PLN (once only). To sign up for a second specialization, please write an email to when the USOS registration is open, after registering for the first one via USOS.


Online registration for MA Seminars

Students register for one MA seminar only (via USOS). The choice needs to be made between your three proseminar teachers from the winter semester (please do not choose a seminar other than one of those three). Registration will commence on December 8 at 7pm and will close on December 10at 11.59 pm. If your teacher has already registered you manually for the course (there is that option, available until December 1 – ask your teacher for more information), you do not need to take part in the registration. Please note there are limits to the number of students in the groups.